On Friday I had the occasion to see my oldest friend. My mom and Tom’s mom were best friends from high school, and Tom was born just a couple of weeks after I was. We met—if you can call it that, given that neither of us could speak, or e...
Recently, the nut broke on my Strat. This is the guitar I’ve had the longest. It was made in 1984 and I bought it new sometime in 1986. That nut was original, and after having it replaced by the gurus at Specimen, they thoughtfully returned th...
soon, maybe: outdoor winter hockey
It wasn’t much of a plan. But it feels like less of one, now, maybe something more like an aspiration or pipe dream. The idea was that not long after Leah is done with high school, we’d downsize to anot...
Hello, darkness, my old friend. Once more we stumbled back into Standard Time this weekend, with all the attendant crises that entails for humans and capreolinae. There was a whole graphics-heavy thing in the Post that “well actually"ed us...
The horrifying wave of anti-Semitic garbage that is cresting reached an appalling new apex recently with Kanye’s “contribution.” Let me be unequivocal: this kind of hate is despicable and unacceptable. I condemn this bigotry in the ...
I didn’t even make it one week into my new weekly regimen of Friday recaps without missing one!
This is an opinion decidedly in the minority, but I don’t like fall. I’m a summer person all the way, and fall is the lengthy, painful t...
yay fall
I’ve said this before, but this time I mean it. I’m going to try to revive here a tradition from the ancien régime, “Friday Five,” which was loosely defined as a collection of five relatively brief, unconnected thing...
I’m starting with a picture of Arlee I took while we were walking earlier this week. Largely because it’s a cool picture, but also in no small part because I know that putting a picture at the top of the post means my banner headshot won...
sanity matrix
Friday Five was a custom at a previous blogging locale where one would share five usually unrelated thoughts, none of which ever got developed much beyond a couple sentences or maybe a paragraph. Gonna give it a shot here.
Like so many...
On Saturday, I got together with a bunch of old friends who happen to be amazing musicians, and did a couple of sets of covers for an interesting fundraiser. It’s this concept called Craftsman Cafe, the likes of which I haven’t seen befo...
What if humanity is an instance of the Peter Principle? A group of hominids on the savanna with above-average cleverness and opposable thumbs woke up a few dozen millennia later and found themselves in charge of a civilization of nearly ten billion, ...