the last picture of this tree
About a year after we moved into this house, we had to cut down an old, triple-trunked birch tree in the backyard. It was unhealthy and thinning, and large limbs were starting to fall. It wasn’t safe for the kids ...
another in the Sunday Seven series
Dawes at the Chop Shop in 2023
My phone was blowing up last Sunday as I was driving from Logan to the hotel I stay at near my office in Lexington. Everyone I know wanted me to be aware that Dawes was opening the Gra...
there’s a light, what light
I managed to get this outdoor lamp installed in the front yard over the weekend. The old one rusted out and fell apart (at least the laws of thermodynamics remain unbroken) and I got the new one up in about an hour....
nothing there
another Sunday Seven
I’m about a week into my post-Instagram life, and I have to say I miss it far less than I thought I might. I’ve quit several social media platforms before, so I know about those withdrawal symptoms: loo...
my kids can fly
Please enjoy another in the Sunday Seven series.
Today marks another tour around the sun for me, the start of my 59th.1 I suppose every day marks another year, or really, every second does. Time’s like that, just marching forwa...
On another platform I used to frequent, there was (and may still be) a tradition called “Sunday Seven” where you’d share seven different ideas, usually in a shorter format of about a paragraph each. I’m going to try to resurrect that here this year o...
It’s something like tradition for me to pause today to observe and celebrate the winter solstice. I’ve always been finely attuned to and affected by the amount of light around me, even more so as I’m getting older. This darke...
some ansible code
This post is primarily to prove out the new server I built for this blog this week. I need to make sure the content management system I use, Hugo, is configured properly, as well as the various other subsystems that make the machin...
I knew it was hopeless. At 3:15, I reached up to turn on the little halogen lights in the headboard, then reached over to pick up my phone and turn off the alarm. 5:00 would get here soon enough. That’s the thing about events that play out over exce...
For the real running nerds out there, or the morbidly curious, here’s a detailed recap of the race, mile-by-mile. This might make more sense with the map in front of you.
Marathon Route 2024
And a preemptive, general note: at no point did I wet my pa...