John Scholvin

John Scholvin

still can’t fit a half-stack in the trunk

31 Dec 2022

pictures of 2022

I like to think of the letters that people sometimes include with their holiday cards as a form of proto-blogging. It was a form of mass publishing that predates social media by decades, one of the few methods people had even before email to keep oth...
11 Dec 2022

sunday cinco

On Friday I had the occasion to see my oldest friend. My mom and Tom’s mom were best friends from high school, and Tom was born just a couple of weeks after I was. We met—if you can call it that, given that neither of us could speak, or e...
04 Dec 2022

sunday seven

subsumed I’ve been one poor correspondent, I’ve been too, too hard to find. It’s been a busy couple of weeks. Thanksgiving, and now Nutcracker week, and it shows no signs of slowing down for a while. I’m kicking around some i...
18 Nov 2022

five more

Recently, the nut broke on my Strat. This is the guitar I’ve had the longest. It was made in 1984 and I bought it new sometime in 1986. That nut was original, and after having it replaced by the gurus at Specimen, they thoughtfully returned th...
11 Nov 2022

friday five

soon, maybe: outdoor winter hockey It wasn’t much of a plan. But it feels like less of one, now, maybe something more like an aspiration or pipe dream. The idea was that not long after Leah is done with high school, we’d downsize to anot...
06 Nov 2022

sunday five

Hello, darkness, my old friend. Once more we stumbled back into Standard Time this weekend, with all the attendant crises that entails for humans and capreolinae. There was a whole graphics-heavy thing in the Post that “well actually"ed us...
28 Oct 2022

weekly five

The horrifying wave of anti-Semitic garbage that is cresting reached an appalling new apex recently with Kanye’s “contribution.” Let me be unequivocal: this kind of hate is despicable and unacceptable. I condemn this bigotry in the ...
22 Oct 2022

friday(ish) five

I didn’t even make it one week into my new weekly regimen of Friday recaps without missing one! This is an opinion decidedly in the minority, but I don’t like fall. I’m a summer person all the way, and fall is the lengthy, painful t...
14 Oct 2022

friday five

yay fall I’ve said this before, but this time I mean it. I’m going to try to revive here a tradition from the ancien régime, “Friday Five,” which was loosely defined as a collection of five relatively brief, unconnected thing...
10 Oct 2022

race day

my office on Sunday I love race day. I like running, but I love race day. There’s nothing like the excitement of the starting corrals, that rush on the course as you realize that all the training is paying off, and the celebration and release ...