On Friday I had the occasion to see my oldest friend. My mom and Tom’s mom were best friends from high school, and Tom was born just a couple of weeks after I was. We met—if you can call it that, given that neither of us could speak, or e...
Hello, darkness, my old friend. Once more we stumbled back into Standard Time this weekend, with all the attendant crises that entails for humans and capreolinae. There was a whole graphics-heavy thing in the Post that “well actually"ed us...
I didn’t even make it one week into my new weekly regimen of Friday recaps without missing one!
This is an opinion decidedly in the minority, but I don’t like fall. I’m a summer person all the way, and fall is the lengthy, painful t...
I mean, they’re all dark, kind of by definition.
For most of my adult life, especially since I understood the profound effects of seasonal affective disorder on me, the winter solstice has always been one of the biggest milestones of the year....